Okie.. I have no internet connections today..
So i m using the office com..
and their key board are so different from ours..
Having a hard time typing..
Tell u ppl truthfully..
This place is terrible..
The bulidings are all so worn down..
School so big(3xNTU) but only 2000 students..
My hostel looks so eerie..

Weather is super cold..8degrees..
Food is also cold..
i m feeling so slpy now.. but i cant slp.. cos its like only3++pm..
I hope the 2 and a half months pass quicky..
Pls let mi survive this..
Oh btw..they offer mi a scholarship..
But i have to travel to the city center to get it.. alone..
Dear can skype u le.. but hor.. pls appear online everytime k.. throughout the day.. so when i can skype i will skype u..